Kobiety poszukiwane w Niemczech
We are an escort agency in Germany.
You are an honest, trustworthy, experienced or beginner person with a natural, open charisma.
Possibility of overnight stay.
We will create a portfolio and your advertisement for you.
You will receive a free private apartment from us for your meetings, which you can use privately.
The minimum daily wage is 600 euros.
They are between 18 and 45 years old.
We are looking for honest and reliable women. We help every Lady who wants to work with us.
Are you interested or do you have any questions?
See you soon
Kobiety poszukiwane w Niemczech
We are an escort agency in Germany.
You are an honest, trustworthy, experienced or beginner person with a natural, open charisma.
Possibility of overnight stay.
We will create a portfolio and your advertisement for you.
You will receive a free private apartment from us for your meetings, which you can use privately.
The minimum daily wage is 600 euros.
They are between 18 and 45 years old.
We are looking for honest and reliable women. We help every Lady who wants to work with us.
Are you interested or do you have any questions?
See you soon
Praca escort,koleżanki do wspołpracy
I invite women, friends aged 18-35 to cooperate.
Apartment, house, I provide everything you need for work, advertising, peace.
Determined ladies for more information - contact Whatsapp
Hi. I'm looking for something interesting
Poszukiwane Tancerki do Klubu
We are looking for dancers for the club.
Work in a party atmosphere.
The rate is PLN 300 per day + high commissions.
For people from out of town, we reimburse travel costs and provide accommodation for the time of work.
No experience required - we'll teach you everything.
Feel free to contact us.
Hello. I'm hiring a personal assistant. For business matters. You also need a very good understanding, contact with people, flexibility of working time. Terms and details to be determined. Minimum English and preferably also German.
Legalne Appartamenty do pracy w Saarland(niemcy)za
Saarland Apartments invite women and girls, both experienced and beginners, to cooperate with us. The condition is that you are of legal age and well-groomed, with no upper age limit, as years of experience have convinced me that every woman can earn good money. We help to obtain legal documents for work, German is not required, but welcome, we provide discretion and assistance.
Write on Whatsapp, e-mail or call.
Konkretna propozycja współpracy!
You are wondering about work in this industry !!!
Among the enormous amount of ads you want to find the best place for yourself?
I invite you to read my offer, because I am not looking for stars and it gives me the opportunity to earn money on fair terms and under normal conditions!
I am looking for girls who can spend 7 days once or twice a month!
I offer work on the so-called "rounds". You come - work - you leave without obligations and unpleasant surprises!
I provide a cozy flat, advertising, telephonist, security and discretion. I expect a smile, honesty and willingness to work. We work on hourly rates 200, 300, 500 PLN / hour.
To save you and my time, all important issues can be determined by phone or by e-mail.
Oferta pracy dla Pań zawsze aktualna Warszawa
Cooperation with me outside HIGH earnings will allow you to live a normal life, learn, not deny yourself pleasure and not worry about tomorrow.
I do not use any financial penalties or blackmail, and I know such stories from hearing from the girls who collaborated with me, who in previous work places had the unpleasant pleasure of dealing with such situations.
Honesty and honest approach is crucial for me if you want to earn a long time. I do not think in a figurative way because I am able to provide high earnings if you take my advice and tips seriously.
I am not looking for girls who need a one-time cash injection, but those looking for systematic cooperation for a week / two a month. Meaningful and fruitful cooperation is such for a long time, but you can give up at any time.
The most important issues to achieve the highest possible earnings are appearance and service. Although you do not have to look like a top model or have sex like a porn star, this is "it" welcome. The better you look, the better you earn, the better your offer, the more customers, which translates into your earnings, but the most important thing is that you would like sex, be open to new relationships and not be afraid of changes.
I invite young (18-30 years), nice girls who want to work in a friendly atmosphere, normal conditions and get tangible benefits.
Oferta pracy dla Pań zawsze aktualna
I do not use any financial penalties or blackmail, and such stories I know from hearing from girls who cooperate with me, which in previous work places had the unpleasant pleasure of dealing with such situations.
Honesty and honest approach is crucial for me if you want to earn a long time. I do not think in a figurative way because I am able to provide high earnings if you take my advice and tips seriously.
I am not looking for girls who need a one-time cash injection, but those looking for systematic cooperation for a week or two a month. Meaningful and fruitful cooperation is such for a long time, but you can give up at any time.
The most important issues to achieve the highest possible earnings are appearance and service. Although you do not have to look like a top model or have sex like a porn star, this is "it" welcome. The better you look, the better you earn, the better your offer, the more customers, which translates into your earnings, but the most important thing is that you would like sex, be open to new relationships and not be afraid of changes.
I invite young (18-30 years), nice girls who want to work in a friendly atmosphere, normal conditions and get tangible benefits.