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angielski, niemiecki, hiszpański

Opening hours:

Monday: 24h
Tuesday: 24h
Wednesday: 24h
Thursday: 24h
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Content of the ad:

Hello dear ladies.

I am Polish and I have several rooms in various central locations in Germany.

What awaits you:
- fair and legal labor relations
- help with papers and writing bills, help with official procedures and in German
- You don't have to worry about advertising and terminating
- we will build for you a good group of regular customers with the greatest earning potential
- new photos
- the possibility of sleeping
- a place where you can work safely + escort service
- fresh towels and linen are always available
- Free Wi-Fi
- family atmosphere
- available phone to me 24/7, no matter what

Beginner girls are also welcome and will be supported, you can also bring a friend along.

How would you be interested in such cooperation and would you like to have many clients and very good earnings,
please check in.

I am going to Poland soon and there is an opportunity to get to know each other in person before cooperation.

If you are interested in the offer, please contact me on Whatsapp or call +4915214477548 or by e-mail - [email protected]

Regards, Nicola


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