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Monday: from 11:00 to 01:00
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Content of the ad:

German Mainz metropolis invites ! Hello and welcome to cooperate cool, wanting to earn a super girl ! I have a beautiful, luxurious apartment with a family atmosphere in Mainz. Mainz is one of the major metropolitan cities in Germany. Welcome a lot of visitors from the district as of Frankfurt am Main, Mannheim, Wiesbaden, and more. Our guests love women ! I have a lot of regular customers and new ! For me earns each ! You do not have to be a model, it's important that you are friendly and smiling because I have a high demand for women only. I have 20 years of experience in the industry. I know what you need to feel comfortable and super earn ! You do not need to know the language at home is Poland Hausdama speaks perfect German, which is at your disposal and is happy to help any. The possibility of earning for me is big, everything depends only on you, your desire and service. For my part, expect: free photo session, free advertising in newspapers and on the Internet ! Feel


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